Real-World Skills
Our focus is on nurturing real-world skills that prepare students for future challenges and opportunities. We believe in empowering students to develop the skills needed to thrive in a rapidly changing world.
Project-Based Approach
Experience our project-based approach that fosters creativity, collaboration, and innovation. Students are encouraged to explore their interests, work in teams, and apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios.
Small-School Attention
With fewer than 80 students enrolled, students get the attention they need to succeed. We provide a supportive environment where students can explore, experiment, and reach their full potential.
Holistic Development
We are dedicated to the holistic development of students, focusing on academic excellence, personal growth, and social skills. Our goal is to nurture well-rounded individuals who are prepared for the challenges of the future.
Real-World Skills
Our focus is on nurturing real-world skills that prepare students for future challenges and opportunities. We believe in empowering students to develop the skills needed to thrive in a rapidly changing world.
Project-Based Approach
Experience our project-based approach that fosters creativity, collaboration, and innovation. Students are encouraged to explore their interests, work in teams, and apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios.
Small-School Attention
With fewer than 80 students enrolled, students get the attention they need to succeed. We provide a supportive environment where students can explore, experiment, and reach their full potential.
Holistic Development
We are dedicated to the holistic development of students, focusing on academic excellence, personal growth, and social skills. Our goal is to nurture well-rounded individuals who are prepared for the challenges of the future.
Biodiversity Golf
Students engineer miniature golf holes that teach the importance of biodiversity within ecosystems around the world.

A-Team Raceway
Using their knowledge of forces impacting speed, students design different types of cars for a variety of terrains.

Tri-River Foods
Working as entrepreneurs, students develop marketing plans for new food products that meet customer needs and wants.

Simply Machines
Students design, build, and program a robotic prototype that uses simple machines to do your least favorite household chore!

Wellmont Challenge
As hydrogeologists, students investigate a potentially serious situation that has developed in the majestic Wellmont region.

(English Language Arts)
Monday - Friday
1 hr each morning
At the Centre for Learning Community Charter School, we believe that strong reading and writing skills are essential for navigating today’s information-rich world. All of our students engage in one hour of English/Language Arts instruction five days a week, ensuring that they are well-equipped to tackle diverse texts and express their thoughts clearly. Our ELA classes combine novel studies along with authentic writing projects that simulate real world scenarios. With our small class sizes, usually no more than 15 students, each learner receives personalized attention to develop their abilities to think critically and communicate effectively.
Monday - Friday
1 hr each morning
CLC offers a variety of small math classes that are designed to provide an appropriate level of challenge based on students' needs. The classes range from 5th grade math through Geometry. Class sizes typically range from 7-12 students, which allows us to meet students' individual needs. Throughout each math class, students engage in a balance of conceptual and procedural approaches to achieve a well-rounded understanding of math concepts. Each class uses a curriculum that is aligned with the Common Core State Standards.
Monday - Friday mornings
Mon, Wed, Fri afternoons
Project-based learning is the core of CLC's curriculum. Students' roles within a project-based learning environment are distinctly different from a traditional setting. Within a project-based classroom, students are provided real world scenarios and given large chunks of time to create solutions and final products that meet the requirements of the project. Along the way, students utilize a variety of skills and knowledge as opposed to learning fragmented subject areas. Many of our projects integrate STEM (science, technology, engineering, & mathematics) principles, but that's not all we do! CLC projects weave a variety of subjects into authentic experiences. Depending upon the project, students may create documentaries, museum exhibits, wind farms, or any other product made in the real world. As a result of these project-based creations, students learn a variety of skills that go beyond just STEM, providing a well-rounded education.
3 afternoons per week
Three afternoons per week are dedicated to our Specials classes as CLC students participate in PE, Health, Art, and Music classes in addition to elective clubs to expand their horizons and broaden their interests. At the conclusion of each trimester, students perform, present, and display some of their Specials class work at our All-School Showcases. Families and friends are always welcome to join as students share what they have learned and made in our Specials classes!
CLC has full-time learning support professionals that serve our small school population. While most of the special education students that attend CLC have been identified in their home school district and come with an Individual Education Plan (IEP) in place, students may also be identified while attending CLC when a parent or teacher requests an evaluation. We work with parents to write IEPs that meet the needs of the student within CLC’s unique curriculum. CLC follows all federal and state regulations for charter schools. In addition, the school follows the special education policies of Central Intermediate Unit 10.
Monday - Friday
1 hr each morning
CLC offers a variety of small math classes that are designed to provide an appropriate level of challenge based on students' needs. The classes range from 5th grade math through Geometry. Class sizes typically range from 7-12 students, which allows us to meet students' individual needs. Throughout each math class, students engage in a balance of conceptual, procedural, and project-based learning approaches to achieve a deeper understanding of math skills. Each class uses a curriculum that is aligned with the Common Core State Standards.
(English Language Arts)
Monday - Friday
1 hr each morning
At the Centre for Learning Community Charter School, we believe that strong reading and writing skills are essential for navigating today’s information-rich world. All of our students engage in one hour of English/Language Arts instruction five days a week, ensuring that they are well-equipped to tackle diverse texts and express their thoughts clearly. In our small class sizes, no more than 15 students, each learner receives personalized attention to develop their abilities to think critically and communicate effectively.
CLC has a full-time learning support teacher that serves our small school population. While most of the special education students that attend CLC have been identified in their home school district and come with an Individual Education Plan (IEP) in place, students may also be identified while attending CLC when a parent or teacher requests an evaluation. We work with parents to write IEPs that meet the needs of the student within CLC’s unique curriculum. CLC follows all federal and state regulations for charter schools. In addition, the school follows the special education policies of Central Intermediate Unit 10.
After School Program
Monday - Friday 3:15 - 5:30
CLC offers a for-fee Extended School Program (ESP) that runs from 3:15 - 5:30 pm Tuesdays - Fridays. ESP is an extension of the regular school day specials program and is designed to provide a safe and nurturing environment in which students can receive help with their schoolwork, participate in clubs, and maintain and strengthen relationships with fellow CLC students. The ESP staff offers structured club activities that include, but are not limited to, tutoring, sports clubs, art and drama clubs, and music clubs.
2 afternoons per week
Two afternoons per week are dedicated to our Specials classes at CLC students participate in PE, Health, Art, and Music classes to expand their horizons and broaden their interests. At the conclusion of each trimester, students perform, present, and display some of their Specials class work at our All-School Showcases. Families and friends are always welcome to join as students share what they have learned and made in our Specials classes!
After School Program
Monday - Friday 3:15 - 5:30
CLC offers a for-fee extended-school program that runs from 3:15 - 5:30 pm each day. The extended-school program provides opportunities for our students to continue to grow outside of the regular school day. Students partaking in our "Work Room" have a quiet setting to complete their school work with ESP staff available to help students with their work. Additionally, each day students have the option to participate in "Active Games" to help live healthier lifestyles while working to develop good sportsmanship. In order to promote a nurturing community and high expectations for student behavior, CLC’s Student Code of Conduct is enforced during extended school hours.
Monday - Friday mornings
Mon, Wed, Fri afternoons
Project-based learning is the core of CLC's curriculum. Students' roles within a project-based learning environment are distinctly different from a traditional setting. Within a project-based classroom, students are provided real world scenarios and given large chunks of time to create solutions and final products that meet the requirements of the project. Along the way, students utilize a variety of skills and knowledge as opposed to learning fragmented subject areas. Many of our projects integrate STEM (science, technology, engineering, & mathematics) principles, but that's not all we do! CLC projects weave a variety of subjects into authentic experiences. Depending upon the project, students may create documentaries, museum exhibits, wind farms, or any other product made in the real world. As a result of these project-based creations, students learn a variety of skills that go beyond just STEM, providing a well-rounded education.